Air Quality Consultants Sysco Environment was commissioned to carry out an assessment of occupational exposure to substances hazardous to health at a site in Northfleet. The objectives of the assessment were to measure the atmospheric concentration of various hazardous contaminants, identify relevant exposure groups and exposure patterns, establish the daily personal exposure of employees at [...]
Lead Paint – Reduce the risk
Sysco environmental carries out a variety of services to benefit clients in identifying and offering recommendations to reduce the risk of hazards developing. One of the services we offer are Lead Inspections, Sysco have carried out several services to do with Lead containing materials which you can find on Lead Inspection News. If you know or feel [...]
Dangers of Lead Paint
Dangers of Lead Paint Sysco environmental carry out a variety of services to benefit clients in identifying and offering recommendations to reduce the risk of my hazards developing. One of the services we offer are Lead Inspections, Sysco have carried out a number of services to do with Lead containing materials which you can find on Lead Inspection [...]
Lead Paint Inspection
Lead Paint Inspection Sysco Environmental was commissioned to carry out a Lead survey in London, the survey was undertaken to locate and identify the existence of any lead containing materials within all accessible areas. The extent and type of all lead containing materials found on the site were defined for providing a lead register in compliance with [...]