Indoor air quality plan for student accommodation block

I have recently prepared in indoor air quality plan for a newly constructed student accommodation block for a large university. The student accommodation building consisted of almost 80 studios and over 60 bedroom spread over 5 floors. The accommodation block was located in vicinity of the university but not on the main university campus. There are some minor sources of industrial pollution and a major non-electrified railway line close by. The industrial units were mainly orientated specialising either in car retail or car maintenance. I review of the potentially pollution activities n the areas did not identified any significant and continuous operating sources of pollution which needed to be more thoroughly addressed in the air quality plan. The area of the development was not situated in the air quality management zone.

indoor air quality plan

After review of the proposed building plans and ventilation requirements I have drawn up an air quality plan to ensure that sources of pollutants are kept at minimum during the construction phase of the development and after commissioning of the building for normal use. An air quality plan also requires for the developer to draw up a strategy for the post construction maintenance of indoor air quality.

To maintain a good indoor air quality during the life of the building it is necessary for the building managers to understand the ventilation system and its requirements. Inspection should be carried on regular bases to assess the state of the critical components. Deterioration of the system must be closely monitored and leaks and tears promptly repaired. Regular maintenance activities should include repair or replacement of malfunctioning and consumable components such as filters and belts, and cleaning of air distribution systems, ducts, and dampers when necessary to correct an indoor air quality deficiency. The building managers should maintain clear records of the maintenance activities, operating manuals, system design parameters and original occupancy levels and designed space usage.

Indoor air quality plan will also recommend measures on how to maintain good indoor air quality through selection of low emission products, regular cleaning and waste management, building inspection in order to identify moisture problems and good ventilation practices.

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  • Elisabeth

    From my understanding, in order to pass the test for PM2.5 and PM10, EPA Compendium Method IP-10 has to be used. However, the current PM2.5 and PM10 monitors are all based on the new laser technology which counts the particles and converts the count into mass per volume. This doesn’t align with the IP-10 method. Are there any newly updated requirements for testing PM2.5 and PM10? Is there a list of approved devices which can be used for the testing?

    May 24, 2016, 12:01 pm Link