Lead Paint Inspection
Sysco Environmental was commissioned to carry out a Lead survey in London, the survey was undertaken to locate and identify the existence of any lead containing materials within all accessible areas. The extent
and type of all lead containing materials found on the site were defined for providing a lead register in compliance with current legislation.
Access Limitations to Lead Surveys
On site Sysco Environmental aim to gain access to all accessible areas within the scope of a survey. However, it is not always possible to gain access to some areas whilst the surveyors are on site. All non-accessed areas should be presumed to contain lead containing materials. Note that the surveyor will make every effort to examine all areas, however, some materials might be well hidden in the fabric of the building and may only become known. When the building or its parts are being demolished.
The lead survey was carried out through a visual inspection of all accessible areas of the site where the Sysco Environmental site surveyor suspected that a material on the site is likely to contain lead. A bulk sample was then taken for analysis. The objective of carrying out sampling was to identify the lead content of the materials and to define the extent of that lead containing material on site.
Conclusion & Recommendations
After the surveyor assessed all accessible areas on the site lead-based paint was identified in the interior of the building which was found in the following areas;
- Paint on walls underneath the current wallpaper in the changing rooms
- Windows in the changing rooms
- Walls under the window in the male changing rooms
- Doors and door frames along the corridor of the sub-basement
- Walls along the staircase leading to the first floor
- Metal pipes within the basement
- Ceiling paint in the basement
The lead-based materials found contain lead concentration around 11.21% and some of these areas were in poor condition. This means it is likely to result in a significant exposure of employees. Work with such materials should be carried out under controlled conditions with operatives equipped with appropriate respiratory and personal protective equipment (RPE). Any waste generated through lead-based paint removal is likely to contain more than 0.5% of lead in the total waste and should be disposed of as hazardous waste.
Lead-based paints in good condition do not represent a significant risk during normal use of the building. However, if the paint is disturbed through work such as removal or vibration it will oppose a risk.
Damaged paints should be encapsulated or removed under managed conditions to prevent spread of contamination.