Exposure to hazardous substances within the workplace Today we will be discussing our most recent project in London. We were called by our client and they requested we attend their site and conduct an assessment of occupational exposure to hazardous substances. The site was an architectural design studio which had a dedicated model workshop which [...]
Wood dust exposure in wood recycling facility

I have visited and wood recycling facility in order to evaluate employees’ exposure levels to wood dust. The facility was mostly processing mostly packaging wood products into shredded wood mixes of various qualities for the wood board manufacturing industry, agricultural industry or for use as a bio-fuel. The site processed up to 6 thousand pallets [...]
Wood dust exposure monitoring in a joinery workshop

I have been appointed to evaluate wood dust exposure in a small carpentry workshop. The carpentry and joinery specialised in production of custom made articles of furniture. Consisted of one single storey workshop building and a separate spray booth and sanding area. The wood working area was divided into a workshop housing a saws, an [...]
Wood dust monitoring in furniture workshop

I have recently visited a small well established wood processing workshop whihc requested an occupational exposure assessments of their operatives to wood dust. The company specialised in cutting of wooden decorative components for the furniture industry. Their main products were kitchen units and furniture doors. The production facility consisted on the ground floor from small [...]
Dust contamination of printing machines from adjacent wood fabrication unit

One of mine client has been experiencing problem with his printing process and was suspected that fabrication involving some wood product in an adjacent unit high be affecting his prints. He has sent me some filters taken out of his printing machine for microscopic analysis. The purpose of the investigation was to investigate the nature [...]