Exposure to hazardous substances within the workplace As a part of their continuing commitment to comply with Health and Safety Legislation, our next client instructed us to carry out an assessment of occupational exposure to hazardous substances. We travelled to Norwich to a poultry processing facility which specialised in the processing of poultry for the [...]
Suspected pesticide contamination in a vehicle

What are pesticides? Pesticides are classed as a poison and unfortunately have the potential to harm more than just the ‘pests’ at which they are targeted. Pesticides are toxic therefore exposure to them can not only cause a number of health issues but is closely linked to a range of serious illnesses and diseases in [...]
Exposure to hazardous subtances within the workplace

Hazardous substances within the workplace Our next client contacted us with concerns regarding the hazardous substances his employees were being exposed to during a typical working day. The main hazardous substances employees are exposed to are various solvents such as; methanol, acetone, isopropyl alcohol, toluene and chloroform. These chemical compounds are used in a laboratory [...]
Exposure to Hazardous substances in the workplace

Exposure to excessive noise in workplace Matlock, Derbyshire was home to our most recent project. We were contacted and asked to attend a factory which specialises in the production and the processing of calcium carbonate, calcium oxide and dihydroxide products. The factory site consist of one process hall, bagging sheds and several ancillary buildings, offices [...]
Assessment of occupational exposure to dust

Exposure to dust within the workplace Recently, we attended an open plan industrial unit as our client had concerns about the amount of dust their employees were being exposed to during their working day. Situated in a former quarry, the unit has purpose built offices and welfare facilities to the front of the unit, with [...]
Occupational exposure to Hazardous Substances

Exposure to hazardous substances within the workplace In today’s article we will be discussing our recent visit to a company in Canary Wharf, London. Our client contacted us and requested that we carried out an assessment of occupational exposure to hazardous substances in order to comply with Health and Safety legislations. The company employs engineers [...]
Occupational exposure to hazardous substances in Whitley Bay

Control of hazardous substances within the workplace At Sysco Environmental Ltd, we are able to offer our customers a complete range of occupational exposure monitoring solutions to identify, evaluate and control risk to worker’s health from exposure to hazardous substances. Specialist monitoring provides a scientifically solid basis for identification of the most appropriate solution to [...]
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Exposure to hazardous substances within the workplace Today we will be discussing our most recent project in London. We were called by our client and they requested we attend their site and conduct an assessment of occupational exposure to hazardous substances. The site was an architectural design studio which had a dedicated model workshop which [...]
Evaluating the extent of lead dust contamination in Cambridgeshire

Concerns regarding Lead dust contamination Cambridgeshire was home to our next project. Our client contacted us and instructed us to carry out an investigation to evaluate the extent of Lead dust contamination. The property we attended was a two storey building and belonged to the constabulary. The building layout consisted of a firing range, associated [...]
Control of Noise at Work Assessment

Assessing occupational exposure to noise Today’s project was an assessment of occupational exposure to noise in a factory which specialises in the production of grain milling and grains sorting machinery. The main production building is divided into three separate areas. The offices and welfare facilities are situated at the front of the building, while the [...]