I have carried out investigation into dust pollution inside of an residential property. The property owner was suffering from frequent respiratory difficulties which were most likely associated with exposure to some irritating agent most likely dust particles. After the discussion with the client we have decided that the best course of action in our investigation will be if she can send me some samples from various surfaces in her house. I have provided her the appropriate sampling media and instruction how to collect the samples.
To evaluate the dust accumulation on the surfaces of the residential property 10 surface samples have been collected also a sample of approximately 10cm2 of a synthetic pre-filter and a sample of white granules from tumble drier were submitted.
Kitchen Cabinet shows the presence of organic fibres, skin cells (blue) and small amounts of organic particles. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Mid Bedroom Bookcase shows abundant accumulation of skin cells, coloured synthetic fibres and organic and inorganic debris. High abundance of skin cells is indicative of infrequently cleaned surface. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Front Bedroom computer/laptop shows minor amount os synthetic fibres and skin cells indicative of frequently cleaned surface. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Kitchen Unit top high shows abundance of fibrous material mainly synthetic fibres with lesser presence of organic fibres and animal hair. Skin cells and anamorphous debris is also frequent. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Lounge Venetian blind shows small amount of fibrous particles and anamorphous particles. Animal hairs were also detected. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Lounge Top of display unit shows small amounts of skin cells, Fibrous particles or fungal structures were not detected.
Sample 79358: Front Bedroom Venetian blind (Figures 13&14) shows large amounts of red particles of inorganic dust, most likely residue from surface coating. Small amount sof skin cells was detected. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Lounge sofa shows abundance of synthetic and organic fibres, anima hair and skin cells. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Rear Bedroom carpet underneath window shows abundance of synthetic carpet fibres, organic fibres and anamorphous dust particles. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Rear Bedroom wardrobe shows abundance of animal hair fibres. No presence of fungal vegetative or generative structures was detected.
Sample of white granules from tumble drier shows presence of water soluble mineral salts.
In my findings i have concluded that no fungal vegetative or generative structures were detected in any of the collected samples indicating that fungi (moulds) are not present in the settled surface dust in significant quantities and are therefore unlikely to be a source of respiratory difficulties experienced by the occupants. Skin cells were detected on all surfaces in normal concentration indicative of normal living conditions. Animal hair fibres were detected in several samples indicating presence of animal or possibly animal products. Although the collected samples do not suggest that the animal debris is present in excessive quantities it is known that continuous exposure to high concentration of organic dust may lead to respiratory irritation. The tumble drier sample contained granules of water soluble mineral salts most likely originated from washing chemicals. The granules are unlikely to cause respiratory irritation.
By Tomas Gabor